“Taken” is a movie about a former CIA operative (a “preventer”) who ransacks Paris in order to find his daughter, a 17-year-old American girl abducted into the sex trade by Eastern Europeans. Directed by Pierre Morel and starring Liam Neeson, “Taken” blends Bourne-esque intrigue and European settings with the very, very, very efficient violence of well-trained and highly vengeful father. Nieson surprised me in this role. Not only does he convincingly play a humbled man trying his best to reconnect with his daughter after years of lonely field work, but he adeptly pulls off the role of a former CIA man, backing it with flair, wit, and the American indifference we expect of anyone senselessly killing whoever hurt his daughter.
Do not go into this movie expecting loads of character development or stunning dialogue because like all recent George Lucas films you will get neither. However, if you are a fan of action, violent catharsis (Neeson literally kills everyone to was involved in the plot to kidnap his daughter), and an American who destroys as much of Paris as he can, then this movie is for you. Overall, I must admit that I like it. It is entertaining and believable. I found myself rooting for Nieson’s character the entire time.
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